Friday, June 27, 2014

Ordinary Time thoughts

  • I'm finished with my move now; the process itself was a disaster.   I seriously underestimated how much stuff there was to move (even though I thought the house was almost empty!).  And procrastination took its toll, too - so I ended up on the last day having to call the junk haulers and ended up tossing a bunch of stuff - including about a thousand books by my estimate.   Interestingly, I'm not sorry about the books (yet); they were all the books I'd ever bought, plus many others not mine.   I was just so tired by that time, though, that trying to pack them up seemed impossible.  I didn't have the time anyway.
  • More to the point:  I have two Kindles.  And what good, really, is a paperback copy of Slaughterhouse-Five from 1973 with its cover half torn off?   But I did lose one nice cane chair and a few things from the china cabinet I probably should have saved.  And I saved some of the really oldest books - a leather-bound copy of Leaves of Grass for instance, and a few others like this.   And a few newer ones, too.
  • Somehow, though, I still have massive numbers of boxes filled with - well, what?  Ancestral junk and stuff from earlier eras, mostly.   I have to go through it all.  I don't really love having things; in fact, every other time I've moved in my life it's been a snap, since I've never really owned much stuff - and mostly had a pretty light grip on whatever I did own.  It was easy to leave things behind.  
  • Now, I'm trying to give the china and photos and toys and papers and stuff to all the nieces and nephews.  I do have a few nice pieces of old furniture, too, and will happily give that away as well.  Can't wait to be pared down to nothing again.
  • My tuxedo cat did die, just two nights ago.  He was 16-1/2, though, and that's a good life - and he hadn't been feeling well for awhile now anyway.  It's amazing that he lived that long, in fact, because he had a lot of problems:  a wild, crazy heart murmur for one.  His heart always sounded like it was jumping out of his chest, and beat in such a wacky pattern (if there was a pattern at all!) - but it was a really big heart.  He slept with me every night, and was sort of dog-like in following me around and staying with me.  I loved him and miss him - but fortunately I do have these other two critters right here, for comfort.
  • I live sort of far out in the country now - but, amazingly, literally right across the street from an Episcopal Church.  A church that rings its bells at 9 a.m., noon, and 5p.m. daily, in fact - whereupon I say the Angelus.  Interestingly, this parish has been described to me as "charismatic" - so the Angelus thing is pretty bizarre.   I don't think they're doing it on purpose - but who knows?  I'll have to ask.
  • Not to worry, either, since there are about 5 other Episcopal churches within an 8-mile radius or so; that's the way it is here in the northeast.  So if I'm not good with "charismatic" I can no doubt find something else.  But it's an interesting thought that I can tumble out of bed on Sunday morning and be at Divine Service in about a minute.
  • My little cat just sits in the window and watches bird TV all day.  And every morning I go for a two-mile walk along old country roads with my dog.   It's all quite splendid.
  • There's even a little marsh down the street, with all kinds of interesting flowers and grasses.  I'm quite happy here, actually - and ecstatic to be out of the other place.  I enjoy being a renter, and am thrilled at having a much smaller place.
  • The osprey chicks are getting really big.
  •  I have quite a bit more to say, I know - but somehow can't get it out right now.  So, till another time, then....


Caelius said...

There are charismatic Anglo-Catholics, but I haven't met them in TEC.

bls said...

The interesting thing about Anglicanism, anyway, is that - at least these days - the boundaries don't seem too hard and fast.

I mean, it could be that that rector once worked in an Anglo-Catholic parish and said the Angelus, and then decided to keep the custom going at her next position or something. I think I'd like that, actually.

People seem to borrow things from here and there all the time, and this could be one of those cases.....

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update. I hate, hate, hate moving. I think at least 15% of why I've stayed in NE TN is because I hate moving. Well, we shall see . . .

I'm sorry about the loss of your cat.

bls said...

Thanks, RSM.

I never had any problems with moves until this time; I just moved, no big deal. Most of the stuff I saved isn't even mine - and a lot of it's so old that it seemed really wrong to throw it out....