Friday, April 13, 2007

Affirming Catholicism

They have at last updated their website! And an interesting note: there is to be a conference in Seattle this fall at which James Alison will be a speaker:

Fall 2007 Conference Update

The October 2007 Conference in Seattle is in its final stages of preparation.

Pre-registrations accepted now!!

TOPIC: Orthodoxy: Living Communion in Worship and Belief

SPEAKERS: James Alison
The Rev. Diane Butler Bass
The Rev. Kenneth Leech
The Rev. Elaine Farmer, retreat leader

DATES: October 21-25,2007

LOCATION: Seattle, Washington

HOST PARISHES: St. Thomas, Medina
Trinity Church, Seattle

COST (of Conference ONLY): US$525

You will be notified about details of lodging and meals when these have been finalized.

Affirming Catholicism conferences begin with a day of retreat to form a praying community. The conference then continues in the context of a community of prayer and liturgical celebration.